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Timbadeck Decking Screws Bucket 4.0 x 65mm Pack of 1300


1300 Pieces. Coated, high grade steel for extended life. Sharp point,sharp thread and reduced shank allow easy driving without splitting wood. For timber decking and other external timber applications. Prodrive recess. Bugle head. It is recommended to use Stainless Steel Decking Screws with pilot holes when installing hardwood decking.
Price: £19.99

Timberfix Plus Exterior Timber Screws 6.3 x 100mm Pk50


Single coarse thread. For timber and deck joisting. Can replace coach screws and bolts. No pre-drilling needed in most softwoods. Hex drive magnetic socket. Heavy duty coating for exterior use.
Price: £16.14

Timberfix Plus Exterior Timber Screws 6.3 x 150mm Pk50


Single coarse thread. For timber and deck joisting. Can replace coach screws and bolts. No pre-drilling needed in most softwoods. Hex drive magnetic socket. Heavy duty coating for exterior use.
Price: £24.75

Timberfix Plus Exterior Timber Screws 6.3 x 200mm Pk50


Single coarse thread. For timber and deck joisting. Can replace coach screws and bolts. No pre-drilling needed in most softwoods. Hex drive magnetic socket. Heavy duty coating for exterior use.
Price: £33.36

Timberfix Plus Exterior Timber Screws 6.3 x 250mm Pk50


Single coarse thread. For timber and deck joisting. Can replace coach screws and bolts. No pre-drilling needed in most softwoods. Hex drive magnetic socket. Heavy duty coating for exterior use.
Price: £48.43

Timberfix Plus Exterior Timber Screws 6.3 x 65mm Pk50


Single coarse thread. For timber and deck joisting. Can replace coach screws and bolts. No pre-drilling needed in most softwoods. Hex drive magnetic socket. Heavy duty coating for exterior use.
Price: £12.38

Timber-Tite Bucket 6.5 x 100mm Pack of 200


The only heavy duty timber/landscape screw with a neat flush fix. Replaces cup square bolts and coach screws. Suitable for ACQ and Tanalith E-treated timber. Net-coat green.
Price: £75.99

Timber-Tite Bucket 6.5 x 80mm Pack of 200


The only heavy duty timber/landscape screw with a neat flush fix. Replaces cup square bolts and coach screws. Suitable for ACQ and Tanalith E-treated timber. Net-coat green.
Price: £58.99

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