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Site Start Up Pack


Comprehensive, cost-effective sign pack for any small site. For indoor or outdoor use. Easily punched or drilled for fixing. Compliant with all British standards and legislation.
Price: £40.86

Site Start Up Pack


Comprehensive, cost-effective sign pack for any site. All signs are manufactured from durable rigid plastic and conform to BS5499-5 Health and Safety Signals Regulations.
Price: £50.06

Smoking Area Sign


For identifying specific areas on-site. For outdoor or indoor use. Easily punched or drilled for fixing. Specifications: Rigid 1mm thick plastic. H x L: 300 x 400mm.
Price: £8.98

Smoking Prohibited In This Area Sign


Help to enforce the Smoking Ban. For indoor or outdoor use. Easily punched or drilled for fixing. Compliant with all British standards and legislation. Specifications: Durable 1mm plastic. H x L: 400 x 600mm.
Price: £10

Sound Horn Sign


Legislation requires you to protect staff and vehicles from the dangers of moving vehicles. For indoor or outdoor use. Easily punched or drilled for fixing. Compliant with all British standards and legislation. Specifications: Durable 1mm plastic. H x L: 400 x 300mm.
Price: £10

Standard Speed Bump


Hearwearing, recycled PVC. Includes Catseyes. Specifications: (Standard) W x D x H: 250 x 400 x 50mm. (End) W x D x H: 200 x 400 x 50mm. Standard Bump consists of one black and one yellow section. End Bump consists of two black end sections.
Price: £39.99

The Nearest First Aider Sign


Legislation requires that first aid is readily accessible. Ideal for outdoor or indoor use. Easily punched or drilled for fixing. Specifications: Rigid 1mm thick plastic. H x L: 200 x 150mm.
Price: £3.77

The Personal Equipment Safety Poster


Outlines employer responsibilities under the Personal Protective Equipment at Work (PPE) Regulations 1992. Made from durable 0.7mm plastic. Specifications: H x L: 600 x 420mm.
Price: £13.58

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